Astronomical Algorithms Implemented

in C++ and





Solar and Lunar Daily Path Altitude vs Azimuth of the sun and moon at the observer's location over a day.
Solar Azimuth Map Azimuth of the sun at the observer's location.
Solar Daily Altitude Altitude of the sun at the observer's location over a day.
Transform Observations Convert between the ecliptic, equatorial and horizontal coordinate systems.
Transform Times Convert between various time formats.
On Accuracy


This is my implementation of various astronomical algorithms, mostly Astronomical Algorithms by Jean Meeus, with parts found around the home and across the internet. I use the geolocation capability of a web browser to provide the observer's location to calculate the azimuth and altitude of the sun at the current time. To do this, I pulled together examples of design patterns I have learned for how to combine C++, Python and JavaScript.

Access to the implementation here is through a flask server running in a docker container as a micro-service. The server provides an AAI API to support various operations like transforming an observer's horizontal coordinate system to an equatorial one. This is used to support this web page as well as data operations for the starbug database like standardizing input data.

-lrm, 2019 Feb 16


Meeus, Jean Astronomical Algorithms Richmond, VA: William-Bell Inc., 2009
Mills, H. Robert Practical Astronomy Chichester, U.K.: Albion Publishing, 1994
Montenbruck, Oliver and Pfleger, Thomas Astronomy on the Personal Computer Heidelberg, Germany: Springer, 2003